1. Instruction

This begins with the presentation of the prosecutors’ complaints of sedition and rebellion and their admission by the courts.
The Supreme Court appoints an instructing judge, Pablo Llarena, to carry out the actions.
At this stage, the people involved are investigated as being allegedly responsible for certain crimes. Investigations are carried out, either strengthening or overturning the suggestions of wrongdoing.
In the case of those investigated for rebellion, the courts, at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office, decide to remand them in custody because of the risk that they will abscond, repeat the offences or destroy evidence.
The prisoners repeatedly demand their freedom, without success.
The instruction phase is completed in March, when the judge says that he has sufficient indications that the crimes of rebellion, misuse of public funds and disobedience have been committed, as included in the interlocutory proceedings.
Once this has been confirmed, the case changes hands. Llarena completes the interlocutory proceedings of the pre-trial phase and the case goes to the Supreme Court for trial.