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Durada: 53 min
Vira la nau dels pensaments. El moment és focus. .- Indian Wells: "When you were a child and I was young" (When you were a child and I was young, 2023) .- Taylor Deupree: "Recaptures day" (EP, 2024) .- Dustin O'Halloran: "Spiritus naturae aeternus" (1001, 2024) .- Ralph Heidel: "comehereplease" (single, 2024) .- Ellen Reid: "Big Majestic" (Big Majestic, 2024) .- Kiasmos: "Sisteron" (single, 2025) .- Rival Consoles: "If not now" (EP, 2024) .- Daigo Hanada, Hiroko Murakami: "Muku" (single, 2022) .- Not Waving, Romance: "From the weary earth to the sapphire walls" ("Wings of desire", 2024) .- Francesca Guccione: "Ouroboros" ("The geometry of time", 2024) .- Gidge: "You" (AB10, 2024) .- Josin: "Traveller", Lambert rework (single, 2022) .- Anna Andreu, Mar Pujol: "Turons" (single, 2025)
